What practices can be used to restore the forest-game balance?
Discover the case studies carried out by AgroParisTech in France, Wallonia, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate on hunting and the balance between flora and fauna. In a... Read more
Impact of climate change on production forests
Man and the forest Impact of climate change on production forests: The example of the Mousty arboretum in Calestienne by Pierre... Read more
Documentary web series on the forestry and wood industry
DISCOVER THE DOCUMENTARY WEB-SERIES ON THE FOREST AND WOOD SECTOR This web-series produced by our production company and directed by Jun Cordon is now online... Read more
Getting to grips with forest management day
Where do I start when I inherit a piece of woodland? What work will I have to carry out if I buy a piece of woodland... Read more
Trees for Future: Results of the autumn 2020 and 2021 monitoring campaign
RESULTS OF THE AUTUMN2020 AND 2021 MONITORING CAMPAIGN For a number of years, our forest species have been made aware of the effects of climate change and... Read more
Video conference: Christian Messier
How can we build a forest that can adapt to unpredictable events? After an initial conference to mark the 125th anniversary of the Société Royale Forestière de... Read more
Scolyte alert
Le typographe commence à voler. Les chablis sont déjà attaqués. Dans le cadre de ses surveillances sanitaires, l’Observatoire wallon de la santé... Read more
Devenir Observateur volontaire de la santé des forêts ?
En avril démarre une nouvelle formation de Correspondants-Observateurs qui sera ouverte tant aux agents du DNF qu’à des volontaires pour la forêt... Read more
The health of Abies, are you concerned?
Avez-vous des peuplements d’Abies grandis ou alba ? L’Observatoire Wallon de la Santé des Forêts (OWSF) souhaite faire le point sur la santé... Read more