
For sustainable forest management

What is PEFC?

PEFC is a label that promotes forest management that is environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable.

Today's buyers of wood-based products want to be sure that they are not contributing to the destruction of forests. Thanks to the PEFC label, you as an owner can demonstrate your know-how and your commitment to sustainable forest management.

Any owner, regardless of size, can have their forest certified. To do so, you must comply with the 15 commitments of the PEFC charter.

At present, half of Wallonia's forests (private and public) have already signed up to this approach.
408 private forest owners have signed up to PEFC certification in Belgium, covering a total area of 30,437 hectares (July 2019).


Why get certified?

By having your forest certified, you are helping to promote wood as an ecological and renewable material, and are part of a long-term approach to forest protection.
PEFC forest certification offers real added value for your forest! It responds to society's need for sustainable forest management. PEFC guarantees the quality of your forest management!
Thanks to PEFC, you can open up new markets!

The SRFB is the contact point for private forest certification in Wallonia. For more information, please contact contact us.
Want to find out more about the PEFC label and forest certification? Visit the PEFC Belgium.

Report by RTC Télé Liège

How do you recognise "sustainable" wood? RTC report.

Report produced in April 2019.
Courtesy of RTC Télé Liège.

Tree with PEFC sign. This forest is sustainably managed

PEFC-certified companies

Are you selling PEFC-certified timber? Do you want to find the buyers looking for your certified wood?
Click here for a list of PEFC-certified buyers of standing timber.

Looking for a certified company? You'll find it in the directory of PEFC-certified companies.

If you're looking for a particular product, you can also use the search engine available here.

Interview with François

PEFC videos

PEFC and biodiversity
PEFC and the forest-game balance
PEFC and the simple management document
PEFC and the audit
Testimonial from a PEFC-certified operator
PEFC and the timber industry
PEFC and opening woodlands to the public
Spanolux launches an appeal to owners