The team

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Philippe de Wouters
Isaline de Wilde
Béatrice Van Haare
Aliya Ben Ayad
David Dancart
Pascaline Leruth
Amir Bouyahi
Julie Goffette
Nicolas Dassonville
Julie Losseau
Jennifer de Meurers
Pierre-Olivier Bonhomme
Virginie Louis
Marine Rezette
Hélène de Wouters
Louanne Collin
Romaric Daffe
Igor Blervaque
Diane Doucet
Maxime Lambinet
Olivier Fabes
Cédric Staes
Gery Wolters

group volunteers trees for future

SRFB volunteers

The Royal Forestry Society of Belgium is supported in its activities by several teams of volunteers

Forestry coaches - Forest guides - Forest Health Correspondent-Observers - Enclosed volunteers