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Vous souhaitez devenir membre de la SRFB et bénéficier de tous nos services y compris l’assurance RC Forêt ?

Passer de la cotisation de base à la premium plus rapidement

RC Forest

Forestry Civil Liability (RC Forêt) application form

If you are already a member of the SRFB and would like to join our "Forest" group liability insurance, please fill in the form below or return it to us. PDF format.

Member information

If you are not an SRFB member, simply complete our online form.

Parcels to be insured


Spouses or 1st and 2nd degree relatives can take out a single policy for all their forest properties.

The insurance takes effect on the date of payment of the contributions (basic and Premium).

In the event of a claim, please notify us in writing within 48 hours.