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Reforestation with innovative mixtures

Mosaic forest

Mosaic forest

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The RFSB at the service of forests and foresters since 1893

The purpose of the Royal Forestry Society of Belgium (RFSB) is to promote awareness and appreciation of forests and foresters. It is committed to promoting high-quality forestry and training its members in the practical applications of forestry science. Its activities cover all aspects of forestry technology and its dissemination.

With this in mind, SRFB is paying particular attention to issues such as climate change, the role of forests as carbon sinks and the emergence of wood energy, as well as changes in the environmental and societal functions demanded by society.


  • -50% on training
  • Up to €2,400 in reforestation aid
  • Advice on PEFC Certification
  • -10% on the entire bookshop
  • Insuring your forest (Forest Liability)
  • -57% ForêtFor
mosaic forest icon

Mosaic forest

Tomorrow's forests will be more resilient to disease and climate change if the ecosystems that make them up and the silvicultures applied to them are diversified.

Plant a tree

Are you a forester with a tree-planting project? Are you a company or individual looking to plant trees?

(We have reached the maximum number of files for homeowners that we can handle).


silva belgica 6 2023
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  • ForDiL

  • Trees for Future

  • Dead wood for forests

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