New Generation

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Introductory offer

Share your passion!

New Generation - Pass on your passion

Are you a member?
New Generation is for you!

Today, we are offering to help you make your descendants aware of how to manage your assets, by offering them membership of NTF and/or the Royal Forestry Society (if you own woodland) at a particularly attractive rate.

Why such an offer?

  • Because we believe that it's a pleasure to share the choices and direction taken in managing your rural heritage with your family, and that this brings generations closer together;
  • Because this heritage has a sentimental dimension that you also want to pass on to the next generation;
  • Because the day you want to pass on the management of the business to your children, they will be better prepared to take over smoothly;
  • Because they will be aware of the sometimes hidden aspects of such management;
  • Because there will be less loss of knowledge or skills from one generation to the next, an asset in an increasingly complex decision-making environment...

New Generation is an opportunity not to be missed for the future of your rural heritage!

If you have any questions about this introductory offer :

Our launch offer for 2024

You subscribe to a New Generation pack including 1 to 4 memberships for your children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces at the exceptional one-off annual rate of €100 per pack.
. If you wish to affiliate more than 4 people, this fee will be increased by
€30 /additional beneficiary.

This affiliation will be paid for by you and will open up the services (see table below) to beneficiaries according to your owner profile (NTF, RFSB or both).

In concrete terms

If you decide to let your children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces benefit from this unique opportunity, we invite you to completethe membership form at the bottom of the page. An invoice for the membership fee will be sent to you.

Receipt by post (in Belgium) of 4 issues of the magazine Ma Terre, Mes Bois from NTF
Receipt by post (in Belgium) of 6 issues of the magazine Silva Belgica from RFSB
Notice of General MeetingsFrom NTFFrom RFSBThe 2 associations
Receipt of NTF Flash Info and Silva Mail newslettersNewsflashSilva MailNewsflash
& Silva Mail
Invitation to a New Generation event in 2024, co-organised by NTF and RFSB
New Generation

The owner

Owner's personal information.

Your beneficiaries

Please enter your beneficiaries.
If you wish to join more than 4 people, the membership fee will be increased by € /per additional beneficiary.

Total contribution

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