Reforestation aid for forest owners

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Since 2011The Société Royale Forestière de Belgique (SRFB) offers financial and technical assistance for reforestation projects in Belgium, thanks to the support of partner companies.

What are the project selection criteria?

Following the health and climate crises, the SRFB has decided to focus this aid on forest restoration. From now on, you can benefit from aid for :

  • be a member of the Société Royale Forestière de Belgique (SRFB) for at least 5 years.
  • reforestation of plots that have suffered a climatic or biological hazard that has reduced the potential income from the felling had it been carried out over time on healthy trees. This category includes reforestation after clear-cutting of spruce with bark beetle, early felling of ash with chalarosis, windfall, fire, other health damage that caused early harvesting or depreciation of the wood, etc.
  • new afforestation: afforestation of agricultural land
  • innovative reforestation: enriching natural regenerations using the cell planting technique (Klump), planting new species, etc.

In addition to these criteria, SRFB selects projects on the basis of their geographical spread and the financial resources made available by the companies taking part. Plant a tree ".

We operate on the basis of corporate sponsorship, so the number of applications we can take on is limited. We do everything we can to enable everyone to apply for aid.

Aid for reforestation

  • The applicant
  • The owner
  • The plots
  • The project
  • Documents

The applicant

The owner

Information concerning the plot(s) to be regenerated

Information can be found at myminfin.

(No priority, no funding guarantee)

The (re)afforestation project

Unless there are major site constraints, the project must include at least 3 species. At least 10% of the surface area must be occupied by a deciduous species.

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