

News from the Trees for Future research project

A planting campaign in full swing!

The 2021/2022 planting campaign is drawing to a close, with the last trees to be planted in the coming weeks. In all, there are 19410 trees that have been planted across 15 sites including 7 new ones such as Bergeval, Gomery, Ciergnon and Saint-Léger. This represents 67 new experimental plots of 20 ares.

On these, we test new speciessuch as :

Oriental Beech, Bosnian Pine, Hungarian Oak, Liquidambar

Oriental beechBosnian pineHungarian oakLiquidambar

We are also testing southern origins native species, such as :

Sessile Oak, Common Beech

Sessile oak of Gascony and the Saône valley (France) - Common beech southern Massif Central (France)

Finally, we broadening the range of sources for certain species already planted in previous years :

Hairy Oak, Pubescent Oak, Byzantine Hazel,

Scaly Oak from Bulgaria - Pubescent Oak Italy and south-eastern France - Byzantine Hazel from Bulgaria

Appointments have been made for spring 2022 with the various owners and managers of these new plantations to begin monitoring their health and growth.

Discover all the featurestics of species planted

Find out where we planted these trees

And if, like us, you believe that this project is vital to ensure the future of our forests, make a donation!

Forester planting