eforown educational resources

Training for my forest
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Various training materials available online

From 2012 to 2014, RFSB was involved in a project under the European "Leonardo: strategic partnership" programme. The aim of this project, called eforOwn, was to draw up an assessment of the training needs of (new) forest owners. At the same time, the project developed distance learning tools to improve the knowledge and skills of foresters and increase the number of foresters trained.

The RFSB, the Centre National de la Propriété Forestière en France (CNPF) and the Centre de Recherche Forestière de Catalogne (CTFC), partners in the project, have formed an excellent partnership. In finea training strategy has been put in place (see: eForOwn. The end of a project... the start of a revolution in (in)training, Silva Belgica 6/2014). That's why, together with our French and Spanish partners, we have submitted an application to the European Commission for a new project under the European "Erasmus +: cooperation in innovation and exchanges of practice" programme.

New partners have joined this adventure, namely, for each country represented, an agricultural training school offering a "Forest - Nature" option. In Belgium, we are working with the Haute École agronomique Condorcet de Ath - HEPHC.
The Eduter Institute, which is part of AgroSup Dijon and reports to the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, also completes this partnership.

A range of training materials are available online - PDF files, illustrated slideshows, videos - to meet the needs of forestry owners and teachers.

Training for my forest

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