The bark beetle
Recognition, life cycle, management measures, crisis situation and solutions...
Creating partitions
In forestry, a partition refers to all the access roads built at regular intervals and maintained within forest plots, whether in deciduous or coniferous forests, cultivated or exploited.
Integrating biodiversity into forest management
Take account of forest biodiversity in the choice and direction of silvicultural operations in order to control their impact.
Identifying health damage
Fungi, insects... our forests are increasingly exposed to pests. How do you recognise damage, identify the culprit, ...
Using a determination key
Tools for recognising the main tree species, identifying and understanding their characteristics
Renewing forest stands
From the establishment of a plantation and/or natural regeneration to the end of compression, develop the possible operations and natural mechanisms at work in a young forest stand.
Interpreting the soil map
Where to find the soil map of Belgium, how to read it and interpret the codes, ...
Thinning out stands
To be able to assess the impact of thinning visually, the reactivity of the tree depending on the species and the importance of controlling basal area; to understand the routing and determination of objective trees, QD method.
Poplar and the environment
Current knowledge of poplar plantations and their impact on the environment, poplar plantations and water, human management and biodiversity, poplar plantations in the region, management advice and recommendations, summary of the strengths and weaknesses of poplar plantations.
The history of the Belgian forest
How our forests have developed since the dawn of time, and how man and his use of the forest have shaped the forests of today...