Ancient forests
A historical and biological heritage to be preserved.
Human health in the forest
The forest brings us health and well-being, but stings, allergies and zoonoses are also present. Let's explore these two aspects!
Recognising game damage
Recognising game damage to (re)establish a sylvo-cynégétique balance
Selling wood
Vendre du bois d'œuvre ou du bois de chauffage : les étapes, les règles, les documents utiles
Notions of cubing
How to measure or estimate the volume of a log on the ground or a tree still standing
Learning about the forest from your desk
Quelques chaînes YouTube et sites web pour se familiariser avec la forêt ou approfondir ses connaissances.
The smartphone and the forest
Useful web applications and sites for wildlife spotting, taking measurements, playing with children, etc.
Clearing planting
Pourquoi dégager, identifier la végétation adventice, mettre en place des cloisonnements sylvicoles, utiliser de bonnes pratiques, ...
Designating trees for the future
Objective tree silviculture, dynamic silviculture, in regular or irregular stands, mixed or not.
Estimating wood quality
Comment identifier les principaux défauts et leurs répercussions sur la qualité du bois. Quelle incidence sur la valeur des grumes.