

The Forêt de Soignes, much more than just a place to stroll

Well-known to the people of Brussels as a place to take a stroll, the Forêt de Soignes is also a productive forest. Up to 10,000 cubic metres of wood come out of the forest every year. Focus on two local initiatives that showcase this local wood.

Simon Malvaux is 25 years old. After a cycling trip to Latin America, he set himself a crazy mission: to make bicycles using wood from the Soignes forest. A few months ago, thanks to the support of the Foundation for Future Generations, he achieved his goal. Visit ZAFI bicyclesnamed after a Madagascan people who specialised in woodworking. Flanked by his lumberjack shirt, he explains the advantages of riding a bike with an ash frame: " Unlike a conventional bike, which will transmit the vibrations of the road through the frame, here the wood will absorb the vibrations. It gives a real feeling of comfort.  "As well as being comfortable, ZAFI bikes are also aesthetically pleasing and durable. A single tree trunk can be used to make 50 bicycles. The ZAFI team uses ash as well as walnut, depending on the customer's choice, who can personalise their bike when they place the order. For get oneBut you'll still have to pay between €4,500 and €5,900.

Sustainable use of local wood

To be able to use wood from the Forêt de Soignes to build its bicycles, ZAFI has teamed up with the Sonian Wood Coop (We interviewed the Soignes Forest wood cooperative for Silva Belgica n°5 | 2022). The aim of this cooperative is to increase the local use of wood from Brussels. Most of the wood produced in the Forêt de Soignes is currently exported to Asia, which has a negative environmental impact. To remedy this situation, Stephan Kampelmann and his team are transforming this wood locally into made-to-measure furniture (tables, chairs, benches, etc.)". From felling to final delivery of the furniture, we carry out every stage with a team of seven people. But even though we're a very small team, our desires are boundless.. " Their plans for the future are therefore ambitious, and are being followed up in high places. King Philippe visited the Sonian Wood Coop workshops last week.

The Sonian Wood Coop still has plenty of work ahead of it. It will be furnishing a new food court soon to open in a landmark location in the capital, and is also looking after the future Belgian pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

Article written by Alexandre Noppe | RTBF
Book on the flora and fauna of the Forêt de Soignes