

FINAL CLAP of the 18th Rencontres Filière Bois

Now that the Rencontres de la Filière Bois 2024 are over, we have two last things to tell you before preparing for the 2025 edition!

The presentations are available

  • Did you miss the event but still want to find out more about the topics covered?
  • Or have you attended the 2024 edition of the Filière Bois Meetings and would like to come back to some of the content presented?

Help us to organise future Meetings that meet your expectations!

Whether or not you attended this year's Rencontres Filière Bois : Share your experience!

By taking part in our short satisfaction survey, you'll be helping us to improve our event and its content, as well as all the communication and logistics that go with it!

With the support of

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