Introduction to mixed forestry with continuous cover
Introduction to mixed forestry with continuous cover
Le 23 June 2023 - Biron (Erezée)
(23 juin et non le 26 juin)
Continuous cover mixed silviculture (CCMS) is a silvicultural strategy whose aim is to produce quality timber while minimising investment and ensuring all the other functions of the forest. This type of silviculture is essentially based on the use of natural processes, which are supported by targeted actions. The aim is to maintain the continuity of the canopy (avoiding clear-cutting) and to make maximum use of natural regeneration (although planting is not ruled out).
La journée sera consacrée à la découverte de la SMCC et est destinée aux débutants. Au cours de la visite d’une propriété dans laquelle la SMCC prend de plus en plus d’ampleur, nous aborderons différentes notions (travaux ciblés dans la régénération, martelage en irrégulier, désignation d’arbres-objectifs, gestion de la lumière, diversification par plantation…). Plusieurs exercices pratiques sur ces différents sujets seront proposés.
- Julie Losseau and Nicolas DassonvilleSociété Royale Forestière de Belgique trainers
- Daniel et Jean-Charles de Viron, Groupement forestier de Biron Recogne
Programme (PDF format)
09h00 | Visit to different plots at different stages |
12h00 | Picnic (bring your own) |
13h00 | Continuation of the visit and practical designation and targeted work exercises |
16h30 | End of the day |
Informations pratiques et tarifs
It will be sent to you in the confirmation letter.
Les frais d’organisation à acquitter sur place :
SRFB member (and family): €20/person
Non SRFB member: €40/person
Practical information and prices
It will be sent to you in the confirmation letter.
Organisational costs:
- RFSB member (and family): 20€ /person
- Non-member of RSFB: 40€ /person