

Forest Friends, services for businesses

The Royal Forestry Society of Belgium invites you and your teams to (re)discover the little and big secrets of the forests. From an express indoor programme to a full day in the forest, we offer a range of flexible and adaptable packages.

Our services at a glance

An express animation to discover the treasures of the forests

Indoor animation - 1h - On your premises

A forest guide reveals the secrets of the undergrowth

Forest walk - 2h30 - Location to be determined by mutual agreement

A break in the forest to recharge your batteries as a team

Forest immersion - 3h - Brabant-Wallon

An unforgettable teambuilding experience to strengthen team spirit

Teambuilding in the forest - 1/2 to 1 day - Brabant-Wallon

Keep in touch with the plantation you are sponsoring

Visit to a plantation - 2h30 - In the field

Contact and information

Our services can be tailored to meet your needs, so don't hesitate to contact us for a personalised offer.

Julie Goffette - Forest Friends" Project Manager

081/62 74 06 (Monday to Thursday)

Further information and contact form